What’s the Deal for Trump?

5 min readJan 10, 2021

Congress is in an angry impeaching mood. Apparently being on the receiving end of an angry mob, like being in a foxhole, helped them see more clearly. One of those realizations is that Trump is a lying piece of shit who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. And, Trump has moved the US to an almost ungovernable position by his constant lying. Americans expect to believe their president and as president, Trump’s lying ways really confused the American people. Now maybe a quarter of the country believes his lies about the election being stolen.

Trump should be impeached and convicted. As I understand it, the impeachment by the House of Representatives can be done immediately but the Senate Case will drag on for a long time since evidence needs to be gathered. That’s fine. There’s a lot that needs to be clarified and investigated before a case.

For instance, it’s clear that the crowd felt that their attack on the capitol has been ordered by Trump although he might have cleverly implied it but without fully saying it. Does this clever double-talk protect Trump from being prosecuted as an accessory to murder? What about when all the murderes defend themselves by saying they were obeying the Commander in Chief? I think we’d all like to see Trump get cross-examined about what exactly did he mean when he sent the mob to march on Congress and to be brave and to be strong and to not back down. Is he going to claim that he meant that these people, equipped with weapons, should yell loudly and hold their Trump signs up very high?

What role did Trump play in preventing the implementation of normal and proper security protocols? I suspect he directly or indirectly interfered with the process. This is important and needs to be systematically investigated. How soon before people start spilling the beans on this?

But America needs to heal and therein lies the deal that should be struck. I think back to the people of Japan who, until the end of WWII, had been lied to. They were told that their Emperor was a God and that they should die for him. The US, as part of healing the Japanese people, convinced the Emperor of Japan to tell his people that they had been lied to, that he was not a god. He was just a man. He was very sorry about all the deaths and suffering that this lie had created. That confession by the Emperor closed the old chapter and opened up a new chapter for Japan (and kept him from being executed).

Trump has now put himself in a position in which he needs a deal. He is likely to be convicted for sedition, inciting murder, and a range of other criminal activities both before and after his presidency. He will face indictment by the senate, other Federal criminal prosecution, and civil suits. He could be pardoned. Therein lies the possible deal. Trump just needs to go on national TV and in a convincing manner say (and sign an affidavit that):

  1. I lied to you about the election in 2020. I lost. I know I lost. I knew that I lost. I knew in November that I had lost the vote. I lied about it because I didn’t like being a loser, I saw a chance to stay in power by either discrediting the vote or somehow negating it and I wanted to collect lots and lots of money from gullible people. It almost worked, didn’t it?
  2. The whole thing about Obama not being American. I knew it was a lie. I lied from the start. I did it because many of you are so stupid and so gullible that it became a sort of game for me. How big a lie could I tell and get you all to believe it?
  3. The whole story about Hillary and others being pedophiles was pushed as a sort of joke. I heard it, thought it was hysterical, and pushed it. You people seem willing to believe anything. I can’t believe that it went that far.
  4. The January 6th March on Congress. I thought that if we scared the Congress enough with violence, they’d save their own skins and avoid angering you any more by accepting to postpone what was legally required. I was trying to steal the election. It was a coup attempt that I engineered and many Americans, thinking they were being patriotic, played along with. Many of you will face criminal prosecution as a result of listening to me. Sorry. Again, I lost the election and I kept trying to cheat and win it back after losing it. It almost worked, didn’t it?
  5. The Pandemic. I knew back in February that this was a killer but I thought it would be better for me and my businesses if we didn’t react to it rather than take lots of precautions. This was a big mistake for the country. The country needs to shutdown and the people need to wear masks. The thousands of deaths daily at this point are largely my fault (no other country has people dying like we have) for refusing to listen to the competent medical authorities and instead, I spouted my usual BS. But you all believed me despite the facts of people dying. Why did you people believe me?
  6. I don’t know about the future but you won’t see me in politics or commenting on politics anymore. Who would believe me? In exchange for confessing all this, I am being pardoned for my Federal Crimes. Frankly, I committed a lot of Federal crimes. I betrayed the American people, all American civic ideals (other than to pursue the dollar at any cost), and the American republic. I still have to face many civil and state suits. I lied to you and raised hundreds of millions from you. This alone will create many civil lawsuits which the Federal Pardon will not protect me from. And of course, I’m accused of being a long-time tax cheat. My businesses are in the toilet and I owe lots of people lots of money. I have a lot of legal problems to deal with. The Federal Pardon means that they are not going to take away my fat-cat retirement benefits and pay for my own security so that, plus the relief of admitting all the lies, is why I am confessing at last.
  7. Heh, we’ve all had a lot of fun but now it’s time to move on. Oh, many of the politicians who supported me knew that these were lies and you should think hard about them. They were cynical opportunists. Try to not be so stupid in the future and believe big selfish liars like me.

Will this deal happen? I’d bet not. Still, Trump has been forced to walk back his lies a few times in his presidency and this time, with some clarity from Congress and honesty with the American people, there might be a chance to get the Big Fat Liar to tell the truth in exchange for the Pardon.

(yes, this is sort of a fantasy tongue-in-cheek scenario but truth can be stranger than fiction so stay tuned…)

